Welcome to the Bayesics.org Wiki pages.
Within the last 50 years, it has become clear that Bayesian probability theory, information theory, geometry, statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics are related at a fundamental level. It is time to solidify the connections.
The goal of Bayesics.org is to bring researchers and their works together in one place with the goal of understanding the fundamentals of inference and inquiry, advancing the state of the art in computation, and advancing the state of practice in the domain sciences.
Please follow the links to the left to access all that this site has to offer.
MaxEnt 2010 will be held in Grenoble, France in July, 2010
Cognitive Information Processing 2010 (CIP 2010) will be held in Elba Italy from June 14-16, 2010.
The ISBA 2010 and Valencia Meeting will be held in Alicante Spain from June 3-8, 2010.
This site is sponsored by MaxEnt Workshops Inc.